Friday, 26 November 2010
Extending the BOGTF into product innovation…?
With Buy-One-Get-Two-Free rapidly gaining traction on the sales side, it was only a matter of time before marketing found a way of catering for niche-appetites and reducing packaging via the "cherpumple", a three-layer cake (yellow, spice and white) with a pie baked inside each layer (cherry, apple, pumpkin)... Full details including slideshow & Recipe on Wall Street Journal site
Have a multilevel weekend-fest, from the Namnews Team!
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Poundland plans to go online?
With a 29% increase in turnover to £509m via 320 stores, Poundland have moved into mainstream retailing.
Appealing to two groups of savvy consumers who seldom forget lessons learned in austerity, their regular shoppers are those who need to save money, and those who choose to do so…
Going online will simply remove some costs and broaden Poundland’s appeal.
No longer an outlet for ad hoc ‘special packs’, or ends-of-lines, the pound shops now sell regular lines and brands, albeit forecasting ‘overages’ on a transaction basis that has somehow become essential…
Their ability to grab headlines will increase the competitive threat they represent to the multiples and discounts, probably resulting in retaliatory pricing moves?
Perhaps it is time to scope out the options, run the numbers, reassess their competitive appeal and factor poundshops into your trading strategies, before the multiples do it for you?
Friday, 19 November 2010
Running the ‘happy’ numbers…?
Over the coming months - just as a savage government austerity programme kicks in - the country's statisticians will devise a set of questions to measure Briton's subjective quality of life.
These responses will form the basis of a new guage that will be published at regular intervals, perhaps alongside figures like GDP.
Essentially, the Office for National Statistics will quantify happiness, thus allowing us to complete the negotiation-calculation jigsaw in Namcalc.
Rest assured that as soon as they produce a robust formula, we shall quickly adapt it to measure KAM post-negotiation spirits-level (cause & effect?), the ultimate KPI?
Have a truely high-spirited weekend, from the Namnews Team!
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Office filing system, portable/vulnerable?
How many of us carry the equivalent of the entire office filing system in our travels, 24/7?
Monday, 8 November 2010
Buy One Get Two Free, serious?
Running the numbers on a BOGTF suggests that if the initiative becomes as 'popular' as a BOGOF, the supplier will end up providing the two free units per deal...
...suppliers should possibly be grateful that they are not also invited to maintain retailer margins, given that the retailer will still lose approx 50% on each deal...!
Friday, 5 November 2010
Choccywoccydoodah: Making specialist retail really special…
However, the really creative leap has been to encourage The Good Food Channel to produce a TV series that will feature the personal stories behind some of their unique creations. Time for NAMs & KAMs to think really deeply about what makes their specialist channel special, and fuse it with a medium ravenous for interesting content?
Have an indulgent weekend, from the Namnews Team!
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Incremental sales to cover VAT increase?
Do you really think the consumer or the retailer will share the pain?
See our inhouse bespoke Namcalc workshop for 34 similar 'day-job' calculations, with incremental sales implications, applied to your categories, customers and competition.