Monday 21 December 2015

Coles' onshelf Price-rise buck-pass

                                                                                                             pic: The Sydney Morning Herald

In a move reported in The Sydney Morning Herald, allegedly aimed at pressuring a supplier to reverse price rises, Coles in Australia has put signs on its shelves, saying popular infant formula maker Bellamy's threatened to pull its product if the grocer didn't accept its price rises.

Fortunately, demand for Bellamy's is too big to delist - part of the unprecedented Chinese demand for infant formula - but the real risk for suppliers and retailers is that one-sided revelations of a price negotiation could result in exposure of full concession exchange - think trade investment, pricing support, and all the other product-support mechanisms that would look outrageous in the tabloid press...

A pointer for other retailers, in other places?   

Saturday 19 December 2015

Earthquake-bed, for extreme earth-movement over Christmas...

                                                                                                                                  pic: The Telegraph
Key is not to be halfway in/out when activated...

Thursday 10 December 2015

Back to the Future via Hovering Lucozade Thief

Sky News report (here) the theft of a case of Lucozade from a Mitcham Co-op by a man on a hoverboard. When you check the security video, the shock is not that it can be done, but the fact that it happened in slow-motion, proving that really original instore theatre can over-ride blatant theft, the first time…

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Negative Interest Rates: Bankers vs. Mattresses - but what does it mean for NAMs?

                                                       Burglar Guide pic: The Daily Mail 

According to The Economist via CFO, in June of last year the European Central Bank reduced its benchmark interest rate, at which it lends to commercial banks, to 0.15% and its deposit rate, which it pays to banks on their reserves, to -0.1%.

As you know, in practice this negative interest rate means the ECB has been charging banks for holding their excess deposits in order to encourage more lending, in theory...

From a consumer point of view, it is likely that banks will be tempted to follow Alternative Bank Schweiz plan to charge consumers to hold their deposits via negative interest rates from January 2016.

This is where consumer savviness comes in...
Apart from putting their money under a mattress, depositors might choose to safeguard their savings by making advance payments to the taxman and then claiming them back, or withdraw their money as bankers' drafts and liquidate them when required...

The article adds that any form of pre-paid card, such as urban-transport passes, gift vouchers, or mobile phone SIMs could also double up as zero-yielding assets.

If interest rates became deeply negative, it would turn business conventions upside down. Companies would seek to make payments quickly and receive them slowly. Their inventories would grow fatter.

In other words, like deflation, negative interest rates are not an easy concept to work into the NAM's day-job, but we can be sure that the savvy consumer will be way ahead of us...

In fact, since since some savvy consumers are also well-networked burglars, you might usefully chalk the 'nothing worth stealing' option outside your house to disguise the fact that  you have personally taken the 'under-mattress' option...

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Sainsbury's ahead of the flatline and redundant-space curve?

Far from being ‘doom & gloom’, Mike Coupe has made a realistic call on the market by describing current demand as flatline and remaining so for the foreseeable trading future. In the same way he pointed out the emerging ‘20%' redundancy of large space retail, way ahead of other retailers.

So, when he says that multiples retail prices need to fall to a 5% to 10% differential to halt discounter drift, it would be unwise not to listen…

In other words, time for a ‘what if’ on your brand's Multiple presence, if he is even half right? 

Anti-LEGO Slippers, Knee-pads en route?

                                                                                                                               pic: Brilliant Ads

Friday 4 December 2015

The Offline Limit to Online Growth hits Debenham's share price

Yesterday's news of Goldman Sachs warning that Debenhams online shoppers are cannibalising in-store sales was the first overt sign that the market is acknowledging the profit-diluting effect of online growth in B&M business. The resulting 7% plunge in share price indicates the impact of online profit dilution for investors in B&M retail.

Essentially, given that it is one of the only real growth areas in retail, major retailers cannot afford not to optimise the full online potential of their brand. However, compared with the relative simplicity of serving a customer instore, meeting a consumer’s online needs means additional fulfilment costs including picking, packing, shipping and handling returns.

Online grocery is even more complex in that a typical online shopping basket contains more low value and bulky items, reducing the number of orders per van and thus dilutes van productivity. In addition, consumers are generally unwilling to pay for delivery.

As a result, given that a home delivery costs £20, and that the consumer is unwilling to pay more than £5 per order, the retailer loses £15 per drop, only partly recovered via the margin on the goods delivered. Incidentally, those retailers hoping to improve online profitability by shifting their emphasis onto more lucrative categories (i.e. bigger margin non-foods), then pick up the additional profit-dilutor of online returns, where shoppers send back goods at four times the rate of returns made to Bricks & Mortar stores…

Given that B&M retailing can be more profitable than online, it follows that, as a retailer grows their online business faster than their B&M sales, the overall profitability of their business will be diluted.

Click & Collect is not the full answer
Meanwhile, Click & Collect is not a compete solution, in that, having the shopper shoulder the burden of the last mile by collecting from the store, this still leaves the retailer to cover the cost of picking, packing, order admin, payment and returns. Compare this with the relative simplicity of a store visit by a regular shopper....

However, Click & Collect can have the added benefit of possible additional sales resulting from the ‘collect’ visit. This is probably one of the reasons that Tesco is converting some of its redundant superstore space into fulfilment/click & collect centres by using 42,000 sq. ft. of its Dudley Extra store in the West Midlands (The Grocer).

Action for NAMs?
Online profit dilution means that suppliers need to ensure that your part of the B&M retailer’s online portfolio is tightly matched to consumer need, in order to minimise the possibility of returns. This means pruning your online range to fit specific retailer online traffic, although given that space is not a cost online, the retailer’s online portfolio can contain many of your slow moving ‘long tail’ products and thus compensate for any instore 'culling' based on rate-of-sale hurdles.

Longer term, it is important to monitor the B&M retailers annual accounts in order to track overall profit dilution as their online business grows. Retailers will not normally divulge % of sales made online so you will have to rely on anecdotal feedback, but it could be worthwhile to use say 15% online vs. 85% mainstream until you pick up evidence to the contrary.

Ideally, well-run B&M retailers should make 5%+ Net Margin in the UK, but obviously the typical 2% to 3% currently being made are the result of 8 years of flat-line demand and increasingly the growth of their online business.

What is indisputable is the fact that online is a profit dilutor, the stock-market now coming around to that view, and you are ideally ahead of the curve…