Laughter defined
Given that laughter is a nervous reaction to tension (a comedian
deliberately builds this up via the story, causing puzzlement, anxiety and even
suppressed anger on the part of the recipient to a point where the
tension is ideally released via explosive/convulsive relaxation of the jaw
muscles, nasal passages (or worse), the only proviso being that the longer the
build-up, the better had be the punch-line!
Factories have been closed down for less…..
Delicate use of humour in negotiation
In the KAM role, skilled use of laughter can be an aid in optimising
a negotiated agreement.
For instance, in delivering serious news/data to a buyer, if humour is
totally absent, the only way to indicate ‘more serious’ is to up the volume or
emotion, even more intimidating, leaving no guns in reserve….
However, a KAM that is able to manage well-placed levity allows
emphasis of serious interventions as required, thus adding to one’s control of
the overall negotiation session.
Operating safely....
To operate safely at this level requires a high degree of focus on
the buyer’s combination of Job or Functional needs, whilst also taking into
account the complex set of unspoken emotional needs that are not supposed to,
but in fact greatly influence the progress to negotiated settlement.
To achieve these levels it is obviously best to practice on those
in your circle where abject failure does not result in loss of job or
divorce…in other words, sharpen your skills on those you still regard as your
friends…obviously avoiding those who are also your buyers…
Incidentally humour can and should be funny too...
Go on, have a ‘witty’ weekend by practicing on your friends, from
the NamNews Team!