Friday 21 January 2022

Princes Moves Into The Frozen Aisle

Princes, the company best known for its canned food, is making its debut in the frozen aisle with a new range of meat kebabs.

Called Princes Street Food, the range of frozen marinated kebabs comes in three flavours: Indian Tandoori Chargrilled Chicken Kebabs, Korean Style BBQ Chargrilled Chicken Kebabs and Malaysian Style Satay Chargrilled Chicken Kebabs (RSP: £3.75/260g).

NamNews Implications:

  • Princes is coming to this category…
  • ...without the baggage of a pre-HFSS product having to be reformulated (taste/texture).
  • - with no history other than canned.
  • - i.e. a clean slate and no preconceived notions.
  • From there, anything is possible...
  • And provided the spec and execution resonate with consumers (and trade), and always delivers more than it says on the 'tin'…
  • …this could be interesting.

#CleanSlateMarketing #ScratchMarketing

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