Wednesday 18 August 2021

Grocery Sales Fall, Inflation Returns, And Tesco, Sainsbury’s, And Discounters Gain Market Share

The latest take-home grocery figures from Kantar show sales fell by 4.0% year-on-year during the 12 weeks to 8 August as consumers continued to return to pre-pandemic shopping habits, making smaller but more frequent trips to the stores. However, in the last month, sales declined more slowly by 0.5% and the data shows that Covid is still having an impact on people’s spending as grocery sales remain 9.9% higher in the latest 12 weeks than in 2019.

NamNews Implications:
  • A solid base of online loyals has emerged…
  • ‘Ocado has retained 1.8% of total grocery sales, the same as last year, and sales are up by 44.4% compared with 2019, the fastest two-year growth in the market.’
  • Says it all for Ocado.
  • Meanwhile, with 11% of Amazon grocery in own-label…
  • …they have plenty of O/L headspace vs mkt average 50%.
  • ‘Aldi now holds 8.2% of the market and Lidl 6.1%’ illustrates the continuing discounter threat…

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