Wednesday 6 March 2019

Pressure Mounting On Sainsbury’s Management As Performance Weakens

Industry data released by Kantar Worldpanel yesterday showed the chain was continuing to struggle up against its revived main rivals and the discounters. Sainsbury’s sales fell by 1% year-on-year over the 12-week period to 24 February with its market share slipping 0.5 percentage points to 15.7%. This marks an acceleration from the 0.3% fall in sales that the chain suffered in the previous period. [more details for NamNews subscribers]
  • Time for Sainsbury’s (and their NAMs) to forget the CMA, and get back to the day-job…
  • …in readiness for the inevitable takeover bid, given the falls in share price.
  • As you know, share price recovery is driven by improved ROCE, in turn driven by margin and capital rotation…
  • …Simples!

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