Friday 17 March 2017

A failed attempt at bridging the generations…again?

You have no doubt seen the TV advt (above) featuring the trendy dad in latest enviable car, attempting to fist-bump his 14 yr old daughter before she exits to meet her pals at school....

Well, yesterday at schools-out time, I boarded a local bus. I made my way to the back, where two 13/14 yr old creatures sat staring at the floor as I advanced.

Putting it down to natural modesty, I gave them a reassuring grandad smile and sat opposite. I was then subjected to a high-intensity eye-roll reaction to my Nike Air Max trainer trendiness as they reverted to their texting conversation...

One needs plenty of self-confidence in this town, I find.....

Am I alone in this? 
(Please add personal experiences in 'comnments' or if you prefer, personal email to !!)

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