Friday 24 February 2017

Aldi's down-to-earth proof-of-origin

According to ESM: The European Supermarket Magazine, Aldi Süd are piloting Isotope Analysis to guarantee produce source by locality/region...more details here.

Apart from savvy consumers’ interest in establishing the source of their food, this Aldi initiative will also help in allaying doubts regarding discounters ability to provide like-for-like produce at prices lower than the mults.

In addition to adding cost to the sourcing process, this will heighten consumer curiosity as to the origin of other products available in discounters.

In the UK, this increase in their costs would result in a reduction in the pricing advantage enjoyed by the discounters, but if this proof-of-origin initiative gives Aldi a competitive advantage, others will follow…

Interesting how the cookie crumbles...

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