Thursday 20 October 2016

When even £1 is too much in a pound-shop...

An article in today’s Daily Mail gives 15 examples where well-known brands priced at £1 in a pound-shop retail at approximately 85p elsewhere (worth a look to see if you are included).

Obviously we may all be moving to a position where shelf prices are the responsibility of the retailer, and any damage to brand credibility will be at the expense of the name above the shop-door…

However, even the savvy consumer may not be expert in such subtleties of pricing/branding dynamics and will simply feel conned by the brand-owner, thereby triggering the tell-10-friends reflex…

Better perhaps to reduce the retail margin on the £1 SKU in regular – i.e. non pound-shop distribution – to a level that discourages reductions in price below a pound.

Risking a de-listing?
Question is whether you really want/need mainstream listings of your £1 SKUs?

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