Thursday 29 September 2016

Deliveroo lunchbox direct to your desk - a hundred years later!

Deliveroo have launched a new service to provide ready-to-eat restaurant food for office workers. Whilst this may spur Amazon to develop an equivalent revenue stream, both would limp way behind India’s 100-Year-Old Lunch Delivery Service.

For instance, every day in Mumbai, some 5,000 deliverymen - called dabba wallahs - hand deliver 200,000 hot meals to doorsteps across the city. It's an intricate network that requires precise timing and numerous hand-offs from courier to courier, there and back.

Apart from split second timing and 100% reliability, and to make sure each lunch pail ends up at the right place, each container has a hieroglyphic-like coding system painted on the lid.

More details here, and some will have seen ‘The Lunchbox’ a popular movie that immortalised the process.

Back in the UK, it remains to be seen how speed of uptake and the emergence of competition (plus a 'higher-tech' coding system that is more than a pale imitation of the Indian method) leads to the development and optimisation of yet another 1:1 route to consumer in food service, at the expense of traditional ‘on & off’ consumption. 

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