Friday 6 May 2016

More brands on Aldi’s shelves?

How about Nestlé, P&G and Unilever for starters?

Given the rate of growth of the discounters, primarily at the expense of brands, it was inevitable that major suppliers would begin to find ways of working with Aldi and Lidl in order to compensate for the sluggish growth of traditional retailers...

In fact, a new report by Miloš Ryba at the IGD, gives details of branded manufacturers such as Nestlé, P&G and Unilevers' increasing willingness to list their products on discounters’ shelves in Aldi Germany over the past 12 months.

Nestlé currently offers Nesquik, Smarties and Wagner-Pizza, while P&G lists Blend-a-med, Lenor, Pampers, Ariel, Always and most recently Head & Shoulders in Aldi...

Just last week, Unilever, joined them with listings of Knorr, Langnese-Magnum and Duschdas...

More details in Miloš' article, but the key message for all branded suppliers has to be the need to reassess trade and channel strategies in order to define a non-compromising role for their brands in outlets that will otherwise continue to grow at the expense of brands...

And if the big guys are managing the transition, it must be possible for others...

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