Thursday 24 March 2016

Dyson preparing to hoover up the re-chargeable battery market?

News that Dyson will spend £1bn – plus a UK grant of £16m in last week’s budget - on battery development over the next five years has to serve as a warning that this innovative disruptor is on the move again…

Following a 2015 acquisition of Satki3, a U.S. maker of solid-state lithium-ion batteries for $90m, having previously invested $15m in the Michigan firm, Dyson is ready to invest in the firm’s discovery that it has found a way to produce batteries with twice the energy storage potential of standard lithium-ion models, at a half to a third of the cost.

A step too far?
I still blush when I recall a very early competitive brainstorming session conducted for a defunct supplier where we concluded that whilst a see-through vacuum cleaner model might appeal ‘in the shop’, the first-use viewing of gathered dust would soon alienate most consumers…Dyson obviously knew better...
  • While the immediate application for new batteries would probably be in Dyson’s existing cordless products, they have potential uses in everything from electric cars to tablet computers
  • In other words, imagine the disruptive appeal of twice the energy storage potential of standard lithium-ion models, at a half to a third of the cost...

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