Monday 28 September 2015

The Dandy Lab - a merging of retail and technology

On your next store-visit to Spitalfields, why not try something really different by dropping into Dandy Lab, a new tech-enabled menswear store that stocks a small and exclusive selection of 'Made in Britain' cult brands?

NAMs will not be fooled by the superficial similarity to an innovative 'mens' outfitters that includes a selection of floppy handkerchiefs and crafted cuff-links appealing to the 'Dandy' elements of our nature.

The 'Lab' is where things get a bit more interesting. There's the 'Story Wall' - an interactive display allowing you to scan a product, which in turn activates a video with information that helps you get inside the tin, revealing details of its provenance, performance capabilities and the craftsman who produced it. The Story Wall, coupled with photographic analysis of your needs, helps you achieve that integrated look. In addition the technology gives you an insight into the story behind the products, the amount of work that went into its production and where your money goes. See more, including slideshow at Timeout

Finally, as you leave the store, you can share the results, including your photograph, with colleagues and buyers via social media, thereby adding to the productivity of your store visit...

Seriously, the Dandy Lab appears to be a genuine attempt to elevate shopping experience to new tech-enabled levels. They have set themselves high hurdle-rates by focusing on our most resistant gender...on the assumption that male-conversion will make the winning over of time-scarce savvy females a push-over...

I wonder...

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