Tuesday 14 April 2015

Less is the same, but the cost is more

Like bankruptcy, a brand dies in two stages, first slowly, then suddenly....

In other words, whilst the Tesco product cull may contain a few (30,000) surprises, the slow, steady erosion of brand equity leading to this inevitable de-listing will have been building for a number of years via petty short-changing of the consumer by the brand's champion via same-price contents reduction, on the assumption that consumers are locked into unquestioning loyalty, like years ago.....

'Savvy' buying started with the consumer and has gradually spread up the supply chain, but appears to have stopped short of the brand owner....?

Given the effort it requires to build brand loyalty, and ease with which it can be destroyed, coupled with the multiplier effect of a dissatisfied consumer telling 10 friends, it is bewildering how brand owners are taking such liberties with brand franchise in reducing contents...

Taking into account the ability of the consumer to product-compare on the go, it becomes obvious that the real cost of brand desertion is borne by the supplier, with Tesco merely the catalyst, and the consumer a key driver.

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