Wednesday 26 November 2014

Making a 'shelfie' pay, on your next OOS shopping trip

If we accept that a complaining customer is someone trying to give us a second chance, then why not help them over the final mile by using aisle-engagement to simplify shopper reporting of Out-Of-Stocks?

...and instead of an insincere apology, acknowledge their help via reward points, and better on-shelf availability...

US based Datacrowd* have launched an app that allows consumers to take a ‘shelfie’ of an empty facing and shelf price-tag, and email it to Datacrowd with the GPS location.

This entitles them to reward points that can be redeemed in-store, whilst Datacrowd passes the information to the supermarket, hopefully resulting in remedial action. 

Datacrowd have obviously taken the logical step of going directly to the retailer, but NAMs will appreciate that passing the information to appropriate suppliers would add considerable leverage to the process.

In other words, given that brand owners have both an interest in maintaining high levels of on-shelf availability, and ensuring that agreements with the buyer result in on-shelf execution, a shelfie becomes a very powerful enforcer of in-store compliance…. 

*Currently available in the US, but patently a no-brainer for the UK..

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