Tuesday 21 October 2014

The French KISS approach to beating the discounters

According to a report in Reuters, France is the only country in Europe where discounters have seen a significant drop in market share, slipping to 11.9% in the second quarter of 2014 from a 2009 peak of 14.9%, according to Kantar Worldpanel data.

In fact, the success of French retailers in stopping the advance of discounters in the last five years shows a way out of the crisis embroiling Britain's "big four" grocers.

Their simple formula: fewer complex promotions and big price cuts across the board.
(After all, rocket-science is so pre-2007...)

The French grocers expanded their budget product lines, cut a proliferation of promotions, simplified own brand ranges and worked with suppliers to slash prices of branded goods.

In practice, this approach in the UK would require high levels of collaboration between suppliers and retailers, given the inevitable margin hits’ impact on share prices…

However, for branded goods suppliers, since any growth of the discounters comes at the expense of brands, then helping the multiples, helps the brands.

Moreover, in negotiation terms, the price for such assistance has to be a demand for fair-share dealings, between equal partners…

Truly, we are all in this together… 

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