Thursday, 24 July 2014

Poundshops joining the mainstream?

Given Poundland’s successful flotation in March 2014, it is perhaps time for NAMs to seriously consider Poundshops as part of UK mainstream retail.

As a start, compare the Poundland ratios vs. the Big Four latest results.

As can be seen above, they are already ahead with ROCE 15.6%, equal on Net Margin 3.7%, underperforming on Stockturn 11.1/annum, with modest Gearing 16.1%

All they - and other poundshops - need to keep in mind are the retail standards being maintained by Walmart (ROCE 18.2%, Net Margin 5.2%, Stockturn 10.6 and Gearing 51.4%)

All a NAM needs to keep in mind is the need to help them…!

1 comment:

  1. Martin Wood (IRI)Friday, 25 July, 2014

    Brian by these measures you make a valid point. And in general retail terms they are a major player.

    However, until Poundland (and similar bargain stores) both offer a grocery assortment capable of satisfying a reasonable "grocery shop" AND become less non-food dominated, I don't think they qualify to be mainstream grocers.

    Also their share of market is still too small.

    By contrast I think that the recent improvements particularly to chilled foods made by Aldi and Lidl in their UK offer, mean they most definitely now qualify as mainstream grocers.
