Friday 6 June 2014

Sh*tbull Terrier Savages Morrisons' Board...!

Sir Ken Morrison’s one-word assessment of the company’s turnaround strategy will have come as no surprise to seasoned Morrisons’ NAMs...

Whilst KM's judgement was delivered as a major shareholder at a gathering of concerned shareholders, he was really expressing succinctly the view of the loyal, savvy, outspoken consumer-shopper, the complainer who is attempting to give a favoured retailer a second chance to get it right.., a call-for-action that deserves to be taken at face value.

However, as most NAMs know, KM has been delivering ‘bulls**t’ assessments for years...  In fact, he always expressed a down-to-earth reaction to any trade presentation that was too theoretical, and even imposed six-month bans on NAM visits. Instead, NAMs were invited to ‘send in the details and we shall decide if it is worth stocking'…

This invariably caused proactive NAMs to revisit their brand rationale and distil it down to a simple, hopefully compelling proposition that might surmount the constraints of ‘a couple of leaflets and a covering letter’.

In fact, the only real problem for Morrisons’ NAMs turned out to be how to explain to the Sales Director why their sales actually improved during non-call periods…

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