Tuesday 3 June 2014

Networking departed passengers...

The supercool quiet dude nursing a vodka tonic in the next seat could be already at his final destination... This could explain the failure of your skilled efforts in trying to network with a fellow airline passenger, possibly causing you to revert to LinkedIn for a slightly higher response rate...

According to a new BBC documentary* dead passengers on British Airways flights are seated in first class and disguised using 'sunglasses and a vodka tonic' out of respect for the departed, given the limited on-board alternatives available.....

This obviously raises the issue of why networking sometimes fails.

Essentially, proactive networking is more about giving than receiving, meaning that on balance the target gains more in the short and medium term from the process.

Eventually, networking results in some reciprocation - a ratio of ten to one initiatives satisfies professional networkers - or else some other more persuasive method is required if the target is that important, and alive to your initiatives...

In the long term, the networker can begin to draw from the joint pool, whilst continuing to top up the reserve...

Anything else is selfishness, doomed to result in unproductive dead-ends...

(Let me know if you want a free copy of our networking notes for NAMs)

*A Very British Airline, BBC2 iplayer

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