Monday 23 September 2013

Closing the deal in the showroom

Given the massive advantage of having potential mobile-consumers actually in the store, obviously in the market, albeit showrooming on price, it seems a no-brainer that conversion of the visits into a sale can be more productive than closing down the instore wifi and driving the customer further online…

Latest thinking indicates that many potential purchasers want immediacy of access to the product, advice and real-world assurance of the wisdom of the purchase at a price that is not too far out of line with available alternatives.

In ‘olden days’, this would have been more than an opportunity for an instore salesman to close a sale. Nowadays we are supported by a wealth of consumer-shopper insights to make it that much easier…

If your business is about helping the offline retailer to optimise mobile-driven sales in the aisle, then latest research (September 2013) on ‘Showrooming and the Rise of the Mobile-Assisted Shopper’ by the Columbia Business School will help.

The research profiles and explores the five types of mobile shopper, but even more interestingly, reveals why some consumers prefer to shop offline…

This 35 page report will tell you all you need to know, but if you simply need some key insights, then see the Econsultancy site where their summaries of the findings, and interviews with the CBS authors can take the busy NAM a long way forward.

Mobile-assistance may have made the buying a little more complicated,  but deep down, selling is still about needs-based-persuasion…

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