Tuesday 9 July 2013

Microbrewing to micromarketing - Aldi beer festival boost for breweries

Discount supermarket chain Aldi estimates it has sold £90,000 of Scottish craft beer in five weeks during its second in-store beer festival, featuring 33 beers from 13 breweries.

According to The Herald, the retailer has sold 52,000 bottles out of 70,000 it had in stock in its 46 stores across Scotland and is on target to beat last year's beer festival sales of £93,000. The festival is part of  Aldi’s ongoing commitment to working with local suppliers, according to Richard Holloway, Scottish Managing Director.

A small initiative from a global perspective, perhaps…, but monumental in terms of pressing all the buttons locally…

More details of Aldi’s Scottish beer initiatives here

Incidentally, for traditional branded suppliers, faced with the challenges of global brand-names innovation, again the Scottish micro-breweries can show the way...

See here for a list of 50 Scottish beers with the best names (+pack-shots + ingredients + selling points), ranging from Sheepshaggers Gold - “The Best Beer Baa None”, to a personal favourite, Beet Red Beer - “You can’t beet red beer”, brewed by Barney, a pal of mine in Edinburgh….

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