Monday 22 July 2013

Meeting 'me-tailing' expectations, always....

Success for retailers has always depended upon understanding the individual customer, offering them personalised products and interactions – now known as 'me-tailing' – merely an electronic step-up from a corner-shop’s stocking of products that shoppers ‘kept asking for’……

The difference is that today’s consumer is always connected - allowing them to research products and purchase them anywhere, a challenge now faced by those retailers that have not fully embraced connected retail technology, linking consumers, devices and data for smarter shopping experiences, from the high street to online, in-store to mobile applications.

Seldom voiced by consumers-in-a-hurry, there is now a need for retailers to improve service delivery through linking consumer data and research to purchase phases, deliver a personalised experience by tailoring products to consumers' personal requirements to support sales, and thereby enhance the brand experience by creating meaningful experiences that move the consumer from transacting to conversing with brands.

A job too important to be left to retailers?
Ultimately, it is only the brand owner that wants to ensure that the brand meets the consumer's need - retailers retail categories, and are simply concerned that the consumer has no cause for complaint with individual brands or own label products, and returns to the store - whilst the brand owner loses money if the consumer fails to make a repeat-purchase...

The technology is creating new levels of expectation and brand owners therefore need to find ways of entering and optimising the retail marketing mix in order to ensure that there is more than adequate fulfillment of consumer needs and post-consumption satisfaction in order to guarantee repeat purchases by a consumer that has no need to go elsewhere.

In other words, me-tailing is simply a facilitation of the need-brand-need process, by connected savvy consumers that have the ability to measure each aspect of the 4P mix, and its record in  meeting and even exceeding expectation, as they converse with brands, and if necessary about brands, to reflect the degree of personal expectation-match…in all ways… 

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