Thursday 28 March 2013

BUI-ing online?

                                                                                                pic: Broadbandchoices
New research reveals that 1 in 4 Britons admit to Buying Under the Influence (BUI) online…

Apparently, in a survey of 2,000 people, 28% of those questioned said they'd shopped on the internet while under the influence of alcohol. One in four confessed they had later regretted a drunken buy…. Results range from purchases of false teeth, a musical Chairman Mao cigarette lighter, a 1930s male bathing suit and Chilli-vodka....

Personal experience
Apart from a notable near-miss return flight booked from destination to home, in that order, from personal experience I would beg to challenge the inclusion of Chilli-vodka as an indicator of BUI-online purchasing…

A few years ago when running a very intensive 24/7 workshop in the Ukraine, the client recommended a local ‘reviver’ when one needs that vital extra 30 mins output at the end of a 15hr day. I have to say that a generous shot of Chilli-vodka (must-have ingredient is a whole chilli pepper in the sealed vodka bottle) is scarily effective, but strictly for 30 minutes extra output only.

After that, one is left temporarily brain-dead, but thankfully in no condition to communicate with Amazon, 1-click or otherwise….

Have a long, no-regrets weekend, from the NamNews Team!

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