Wednesday 19 September 2012

How Poundland makes its millions - the brand-issue for suppliers and retailers

Monday's Poundland item in NamNews resulted in over 250 downloads, indicating a high degree of NAM-interest and perhaps curiosity re possible 'trick-missing' in some cases.

Given that the Telegraph article was also the subject of a 30-min prime TV programme (see 'Dispatches: Secrets of Poundland’ on September 17, Channel 4, 8pm) poundshop optimisation raises important issues for suppliers wanting to maintain their brand equity.

Coping with inflation
In order to maintain the £1 price-point, suppliers and pound-shops have reduced pack-contents over the years. This is about consumer expectation, not the letter of promotions' legislation. As you know the original idea of branding was to persuade the consumer that the contents were safe, consistent and matched or even exceeded the expectation created by the advertising.... Think of the impact on a loyal user of having the contents of a £1 Family pack reduced by 50% in five years.
We all know why it happens, but we need to focus more on the impact

Extra-value packs 
Pound shops sell a number of well-known brands with “50% Extra Free”, or even “100% Extra Free”, on the packaging. i.e. a pack of eight bars for £1,while the mults offer the same eight bars for £1 also, without the flash.   Again a potential bad taste...

Consumer perception as driver
The issue is not about morality or even the letter of the law, but is more about the negative impact on consumer perception, a serious dilution of hard-won brand equity.
In the process we risk converting a savvy consumer into a cynical shopper that nowadays has the incentive and means to express their opinions via the internet...

The way forward
Brand-owners need to meet trade needs, but not at a cost to brand equity. Brand equity has to remain sacrosanct, its all you've got... Also, the retailers face the same challenge in preserving shop brand equity whilst responding to shopper demands, a possible basis for joint consultation?

It all goes back to trust in business, the basis for everything, and worth a lot more than a pound...

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