Wednesday 18 July 2012

Right Selfishness Quotient? - how selfishness can compromise your network response…

If you are in the business of persuading others via networking (know anyone who is not?) then perhaps it is time to check your ‘selfishness quotient’ as an indicator of possible low responsiveness?
In other words, what you give (free) should always exceed your receipts by a factor of 10… i.e. at any point in time there should be 90% giving vs.10% response…scarey!
Having sorted your inputting/outputting, a sure way to improve the odds is to check your Linkedin contacts and delete those who only allow you access to ‘shared’ contacts -  the ultimate indicator of selfishness?
This will at least ensure that your remaining network contains individuals that are into a bit of give-and-take, with the right encouragement...
For (free!) guidelines on Optimising your Networking see KamLibrary

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