Wednesday 13 June 2012

Walmart, P&G QR-Code Initiative, the back-story...

Yesterday’s NamNews’ most downloaded news-item raises some interesting implications:
  • This month-long initiative features virtual "pop-up" QR stores at Chicago bus stops and a "food truck"-style mobile hub in Manhattan, featuring P&G products was led by P&G, but in reality attempts to drive sales to Walmart’s online facility
  • This innovative combination of mobile, social and real-time commerce appears to be an attempt by Walmart to neutralise Amazon’s increasing dominance in urban areas, a place where quick delivery is more convenient than access to big-box retailers
  • (Amazon: think €36bn sales, growing at 46% p.a., 1-click purchase and ‘instant’ delivery…compulsive!)
  • For P&G, a way of getting large packs into the hands of consumers, ultra-conveniently…
  • ….apart from the peripheral impact of some extra on-street advertising in high-traffic urban areas..
Do you think the WM/P&G initiative is the shape of things to come?
In fact, which supplier-retailer combination will be first in the UK?  

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