Friday 22 June 2012

Gourmet Flash-mobs, French Style!

Those who think that organising a flash-mob means simply encouraging members of your social network to turn up ‘as-is’, need to check out the 25 year old French version…
Dressed head-to-toe in white, flash-mob guests must bring a table and two white chairs, a picnic basket filled with "quality menu items" and a china service, including stemware and flatware. Only wine or champagne are allowed, as beer and hard alcohol drinks are considered no-nos.

A compelling invitation, in the right media?
Last week, thousands of participants at the "Diner en blanc" were told of the venue via social media sites and the Internet, then rushed to assemble in the heart of Paris' Marais district, in a 25-year-old tradition that still leaves passers-by open-mouthed. Other venues in Paris have included Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum's courtyard, Les Invalides, the final resting place of Napoleon, and the famed Champs-Elysees.
The pop-up event is so popular it has been picked up around the world, with Diner en Blanc events planned this year for the United States, Canada, Spain, Singapore, Mexico and even Rwanda.

Traditional new product launches a little passe? 
Given the competition for attention represented by this 25 year evolution of consumer engagement, it may partially explain the increasing expense and diminishing returns in attempting to persuade ‘our’ apathetic/savvy consumer to drop everything and rush to buy our brand in a Kings Cross supermarket…  
Perhaps a little less money, a little more creativity, and ideally unique, starting at home?
In fact, for something really different, why not make this a pop-up weekend, from the NamNews Team?

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