Wednesday 18 April 2012

Gesture-based-marketing of Coca Cola?

Forget price sensitivity by replacing cash with hugs…

A Coke vending machine was installed overnight at the National University of Singapore. It looks like a fairly ordinary machine, in the brand’s iconic red and white. But instead of it’s logo, this machine says “Hug Me,” in the logo font

Positioning this stunt at a university is a smart move in Singapore, where public signs of affection have long been discouraged, but are on the rise among the young. Coke is positioning itself as a non-threatening ally to affection demonstrating youth.

Given the fact that appetite for carbonated beverages increases with ambient temperature (a few years ago, the company tested a vending machine in Germany that had a thermometer on top, triggering a rise in price with every degree increase in temperature…), it remains to be seen whether the company have built in a facility requiring increasingly intensive hugs as the temperature rises…

In effect, Coca Cola are ‘pressing all the buttons’, in a world where buttons have been replaced by touch….
However, the real issue for others in the vending channel is the extent to which the game has just been raised in Singapore…

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