Friday 9 March 2012

A Brief Encounter with priorities in a London hotel…

Arriving in London too early for an appointment in the West End yesterday, I decided to kill an hour by slipping into the lobby of a prestigious Mayfair hotel for a £10 latte and to informally check out how the global financial crisis was impacting other layers of society….

Flipping open my laptop to develop an idea for KamBlog, I was interrupted by a concierge who discretely whispered that working on laptops was not permitted in the lobby, ‘…causing possible offence to other guests busy negotiating multimillion pound arms deals at nearby tables etc, etc’

This gave me time to take in more of my surroundings…especially the higher than normal temperature, causing me to remove my jacket and drape it elegantly over a nearby chair.
Again I was approached by the concierge to let me know that gentlemen were not permitted to remove jackets in the lobby…

As I slipped back into my jacket, I reached for my mobile to check a real-world news update, when the concierge approached yet again.

This time I interrupted him, and summoning up my best version of a Dublin 4 accent, asked him to please speak up, as I was having difficulty hearing him over the sound of the wh*res’ high-heels as they click-clacked across the tiled floor on their way to client meetings upstairs….

As I left the hotel I began to mull over the issue of priorities in these unprecedented times…

1 comment:

  1. I hope your wife doesn't find out Brian!
