Friday 16 September 2011

Paypal helping to exploit “new normal” of seamless shopping

Shopping is now 24×7 and it happens everywhere – not just in a store or website. The intersection of smartphones, social media, online and offline shopping has put the consumer squarely in control.
The payment services firm plans to add several new features in the coming months, including mobile payments, barcode scanning using handheld devices, store inventory lookup, virtual wallet and location-based offers.
In other words, an opportunity for retailers to engage their customers directly during every part of the shopping lifecycle –  generating demand from consumers through location-based offers, making payments accessible from any device (not just from the mobile phone), and offering more flexibility to customers even after they’ve checked out
In effect, PayPal is re-imagining money and making it work better for retailers and consumers – whatever device they are on, wherever in the world, and however they prefer to pay (whether cash, credit, or instalments), making it fun to pay…..
The company reports its new services will help drive its volume of transactions in 2012 beyond the $100bn forecast for 2011, up from $92bn in 2010.
Have a fun-payment weekend, from the Namnews Team!

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