Friday 12 August 2011

Minding the store…

Apart from the breakdown in civil order, recent riots have focused media attention on invasive shrinkage in retailing  
However, independent retailers can never afford to ignore ‘normal’ stealing by those with legitimate access to the store…
Shoppers spending £70 on groceries can feel that they deserve a small bonus in the shape of a bar of chocolate munched en route to the checkout…
In the same way, low-paid shop staff can form the opinion that inadequate wages somehow legitimise topping-up earnings in kind or from the till…
In other words, whilst it can be legally easier to trap a ‘real’ thief, apprehending someone who does not believe they are stealing presents a moral challenge…
In the case of a hitherto loyal employee, the case becomes even more difficult.
However, given that the theft of £10 from a shop operating on a 2% net margin requires incremental sales of £500 to recover the loss, an independent retailer’s survival can depend on increased surveillance of employees as well as shoppers..
In such cases there can be no grey areas…
Have an non-intrusive weekend, from the NamNews Team!

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