Wednesday 10 March 2010

Virtual window-shopping at empty units or bigtime product placement?

Local councils in the UK such as Brighton & Hove (above) are attempting to restore life to the high street by adding fake shop-fronts to empty shops at a cost of £1,500 per unit. The government-funded projects involve colourful graphic designs featuring a range of different shop-types and cafĂ©/restaurants, which are either taped inside the windows or screwed to the facia so they can be removed and reused as required.

Whilst this is intended as a way of keeping the high street alive in terms of appeal to shoppers and potential investors, perhaps the big idea might be for brand suppliers to see the move as a whole new approach to product placement?

Imaginatively designed shopfronts that feature retail-partner windows and displays of sponsor-brands, varied by promotional period, have to represent cost-effective and novel alternatives to traditional poster-advertising…whilst making a positive contribution to the local community….

Meanwhile, pro-active brand-owners already running with the ball?

NB See this as a long-term placement opportunity. Unlikely that many empty shops will revert to traditional usage because of fundamental changes in shopping habits...
Need convincing?
See 'Kind of Blue on the UK High Street

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