Wednesday 4 November 2009

Vin de Pays de scouse?

To make vino more accessible Spar is using local dialects on its wine labels.

Somerset version: "Alright my luvver, eers one helluva Merlot. Be stinkin hummin a sivvies thar be bleddy ansome wi yaw croust or oggy. Purfect ta share wi yaw pardy as i' aiin ta eavy. Mygar be a purdy wine! Churs!"

Liverpool version: "A totally boss bottle of Merlot which smells o' blackberry, choccie, a brew and toffees. Juicy and complex like, this bevey is top wi most scran 'specially me ma's scouse. Tellin ye, this is deffo a bevey that will leave youz and youz mates made up over yez Sayers pastie."

Newcastle wine has "legs leik a thoroughbred", while in Scotland the label describes "a youngane's colour wi cherries an black fruit on the nose"

N.B. Namnews would like to categorically state that there is no truth in the rumour that the Spar Wine Controller is now sporting a black eye, arising from the less than enthusiastic reaction of some focus groups during the research…whilst the government cannot yet decide on its possible racist implications, due to translation difficulties…

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