Tuesday 12 May 2009

“Legal services by supermarkets is as ridiculous as lawyers selling beans”. *

Working on the premise that all supply chains (even legal services) that have been protected by restrictive practice and/or price controls, may be carrying some surplus weight/inefficiencies, it is a no-brainer that supermarkets would eventually enter this sector, as soon as legislation permitted...

Any suggestion that well established retailers will risk any short-cuts in service-provision debasing the offering, is naïve...

It follows that the essential offering will aim to provide a service stripped of anything that does not provide demonstrable and transparent value for money to shoppers. The test will be repeat purchases by satisfied users, willing to pass on the good news to friends and relatives.

Welcome to the world of baked beans retailing…

The only real issue is how far they will extend the offer….

* Read the full article on The Times website

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